

Paulo Pereira, also known as DoisPês, born in 2001, is a music artist based in Porto, Portugal.

Inspired by Jazz, Bossa Nova and Soul, DoisPês has always been mindful and a curious observer while accompanying Portugal’s beat scene growth at a very young age, influenced and motivated by the work from artists such as: Oseias, Lyfe, Sien, Rafxlp and Wake Up Sleep, artists that also connected with Slow Habits. After a few sketches and experiments, realising his need for improvement, he decides to build up and perfect his production skills and this is when we started hearing DoisPês sound over the internet.

Releases his first album ‘Handkerchief’ in 2019, via Lofi Classics, a 12 track project where it is possible to acknowledge his connection with LoFi, we’re able to identify DoisPês’ sound for its laid back mood, a sentimental approach reflecting relationships of everyday’s life or simply random events that take place from time to time, still, maintaining a widely classy stance while embracing tranquility. In 2020 releases his second album ‘Downfall’, via Vinyl Digital presenting everyone with a 20 track album.
However, during this period he had also been one of the most participative artists in Slow Habits Compilation Series 2019 (Bending, Breaking and Blending), he attended to every single one and got selected to all as well and now he’s a slow homie.

Since his 15 years old that he has been learning production techniques through tutorials and by self experimentation on a daily basis. At the age of 18 he describes that he is kind of living ‘random’ day-by-day circumstances and as ‘random’ as they seem, it only shows how transparent he can be when expressing his emotions, reflecting his actual state of mind which takes an important portion in his work, being spontaneous is what makes him feel authentic.

Autumn has become a nostalgic reference to the producer which is also an interpretation and a pursuit present in his life as he transposes it to his sound, a well-being state is reached as Nostalgia somehow generates a sort of inner solace, peace and serenity.